Pewter Lowercase Letter m 47/366 - A Day In The Life S DSC_1212 N B Subway Mosaic R III yellowo with hole Bead Letter W letter N special A M-i lindo E DSC_1343

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

thing 19--podcasts

I've listened to individual podcasts in the past on specific topics in which I was interested as they came to my attention, but I've never really gone looking for them before. I looked at some of the podcasts from Minitex and MPR, and at a couple of the directories. I can't see myself using the directories, because I can't see myself going looking specifically for a podcast on any topic. I'm happy to listen to them if I run across them in an information search, but the idea that I would start with the idea that there might be a podcast on a topic I'm researching, and then go to one of the directories to find one, seems unlikely. I did add the podcast for skits from The Morning Show to my Google Reader account, and tried to add NPR's podcast of Daniel Pinkwater's reviews of children's books from Weekend Edition, but it seems not to be currently produced. It showed up in my Google list with podcasts about sports with Frank Deford. So I unsubscribed. Besides, there's already too many blog postings in both my Bloglines and my Google Reader accounts to keep up with, so I don't want to add too many podcasts there that would sit there guilting me out.
I'm up to 20!!! Yeah!!!

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